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  • Sunday–Wednesday 12pm–9pm Friday–Saturday 12pm–11pm


8 Years and Counting (but who's counting!)

By Lisa Mesa on Oct 03, 2020 in The Good Life
8 Years and Counting (but who's counting!) Thank you for 8 Amazing years!

The Good Life is celebrating our 8 year anniversary this weekend.  While we can’t celebrate the way we have in the past with beer and wine events as well as live music, we are celebrating none the less.  A year ago I would have said, let’s not do much, it’s only 8 years, not a huge milestone like 5 was or 10 will be.  All that changed over the past 8 months (I see an 8 theme already!).  We have more reason to celebrate this year than any other.  

We are working on a project and I spent the last few nights reading through all of our old journals.  If you have been to The Good Life, you know what I am talking about.  Since day one, we have had a journal sitting by our fireplace in the shop encouraging our guests to share their experiences, thoughts, drawings, poetry and tell us how you are living The Good Life.  Reading through them this week I have smiled, laughed out loud, been in awe of your drawings and poetry and cried, a lot.  What I realized is that our main goal has already been achieved.  We wanted you to remember your time here and to take “The Good Life” home with you and that is what you are doing.  Some of you are even coming back year after year and writing in a new journal, reminding us that your memories carried you through and brought you back.  The Good Life will always live on through your memories of your time here with us.

For us, year 8 feels a bit like year 1.  Each day is new and we have no idea what to expect.  We have to be quick on our feet and adjust to changes seamlessly.  We have to look at the same space in a different way.    Our foundation, the rock that The Good Life is built on, has never changed, that’s hospitality.  Our goal is to always give you the best that our winemakers and brewers have to offer and of course, the best of ourselves.  Now, more than ever, we want you to have a great time, to relax, to set aside your worries even if it's just for a while. We are just as excited to be here on day 2920 as we were on day 1 so let's get this party started

The Good Life is Celebrating our 8 Year Anniversary STARTING this weekend and since 2020 is a BUST we will be celebrating with specials and events every month for the next 12 months.  We hope that you will join us!!!! 

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